Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Government is full of it

Go get him Glenn dont listen to the Attorney General BS:

listen closely and learn

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Nation of Pothead's?

President Obama asked the country to submit questions for a YouTube Press Conference
on the website:

All i can say is how many potheads are out there?

Under the category of "green jobs and Energy" the most popular 2 questions were:

""Will you consider decriminalizing the recreational/medical use of marijuana(hemp) so that the government can regulate it, tax it, put age limits on it, and create millions of new jobs and a multi-billion dollar industry right here in the U.S.?”"

"Has your administration given any serious thought to how legalizing marijuana could help solve the economic crisis? We could tax this green product and create an influx of cash while reducing violence created by the war of drugs & illegal trafficking"

The second most popular question under "Healthcare reform" was:

"Why is marijuana still illegal? Cigarettes and alcohol are far more harmful, and with the taxes put on the legal distribution of marijuana the US could make millions"

The top 4 under "financial security" category are:

Would you support the bill currently going through the California legislation to legalize and tax marijuana, boosting the economy and reducing drug cartel related violence?"

"Has the administration given any thought to legalizing marijuana, as a cash crop to fuel the economy? Why not make available, regulate, and tax something that that about 10 million Americans use regularly and is less harmful than tobacco or alcohol."

"Growing up I have noticed many around me always talk about legalization of marijuana, and I always thought, why not put a tax stamp on it. If marijuana was legalized it could really change a lot of things. America had the same problem with Alcohol."

"Could legalizing marijuana and laying a tax on it, given restriction allow the government make back some of the glaring debt considering it's inelasticity and the history of economics of prohibition?"

2 of the top 3 under the "Jobs" category:

What are your plans for the failing, "War on Drugs", thats sucking money from tax payers and putting non-violent people in prison longer than the violent criminals?"

President Obama, Do you plan on letting Science end the failed "War" on Marijuana for personal and medical use thus taking the strain of our prisons and police forces so that we no longer have to arrest over 800,000 non violent drug offenders?"

Under the "Budget" category the top 7 are:

"With over 1 out of 30 Americans controlled by the penal system, why not legalize, control, and tax marijuana to change the failed war on drugs into a money making, money saving boost to the economy? Do we really need that many victimless criminals?"

"Mr. Obama, Thank you for allowing us to ask our questions to you, unfiltered. What is your stance on legalizing marijuana federally, taxing it and regulating much like alcohol and tobacco? I believe that the Drug War has failed, and needs overhaul."
"I am not a marijuana user, but I do believe that making marijuana legal could provide some relief as to it could be heavily taxed and regulated. Legalization of marijuana will also be a detriment to the drug cartels in Latin America."

"Have you considered legalizing marijuana and taxing/regulating it like alcohol? Marijuana is America's largest cash crop. The tax revenue from marijuana sales would provide a massive source of new revenue and cut the insane costs of the "Drug War.""

"Mr. President, we the people continue to ask you this general question, please do not fail to respond: Will you allow science and common sense to reign and end this failed WAR ON DRUGS starting with the legalization and taxation of Marijuana?"

"Should the recreational use of marijuana be legalized and taxed if it will help California reduce its budget deficit? How will you and the federal government respond if such a law is passed by the California legislature?"

"Are you willing to seriously consider the idea of curtailing the failed & expensive drug war in favor of a fair, responsible policy of decriminalization? With Mexican gangs, drug-related disease, & addicition going unchecked we need another solution."

Where are America's priorities? If smoking pot is America's top priority omg are we in trouble!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Barney Frank is an Idiot!

Barney Frank a sitting senior congressmen has disrespected Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia by calling him a "homophobe".

This man has embarked on Name calling of the worst kind this is just one more incidence of his blatent bigotry. Why is this Bigot allowed to hold office in our Country and the democrats complain about the republicans not getting along. Barney Frank is the David Duke of Gay rights. Don't believe me? Here is the video proof:

This guy should be in jail for his misdeeds in the Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac.

Less Government = A Better Life

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Rick Santelli Gets it right again!!

Its just scary i was thinking the same thing Rick was talking about here! Maybe I'm not crazy!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Why can't we fix problems instead of symptoms?

OK let me list a complaint I have long had about how Government addresses issues, look at following two issues, Gun Violence and Education:

Government Solution:
Gun violence - limit guns
Education - more money

These are easy fixes to symptoms but they do not address the problem! Why cant we address and fix the problem?? These two symptoms relate to one problem: The breakdown of the American family.

This is not a easy problem to fix because it took somewhere in the neighborhood of 40+ years to cause this problem. This problem wont go away overnight unless we as a nation get to the hard work of repairing the American family.

We dont need the Goverment to do this, We must do this do this ourselves without the Government!

This is the liberatarian in me coming out again!

Less government = A Better life!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Are you confused on what to be mad about too?

For alot of us there is so much to be mad about we can't focus on any one thing. I think Lenin would be proud of Obama's tactics divide destroy and conquer, but this is the United States and we can't let this happen! Here is a clip from Glen Beck to illustrate my point:

WAKE UP America dont sleep thru this all and one day you find out, hey I lost my freedom! Too many people have fought and died for our freedoms to be plucked away by this administration.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Obama Went to Harvard???

OK maybe I have been missing something these past few months but this is what Obama Said the other day:

We are paying for past sins in three principal areas: energy, health care, and education -- importing too much oil and not finding new sources of energy, not reforming health care, and tolerating too many bad schools.

Excuse me you went to Harvard??

I thought it was a Banking and housing Collapse!! What are they smoking in the White House? No wonder Obama doesn't talk about fixing the economy and banking industry because he is smoking some kind of wacky weed.

OK I shouldn't complain unless I have a solution? OK here are my solutions:

How about allowing people to take a penalty free withdrawal of 10,000 - 20,000 from there 401k's to use however they want and this would cost the US Government ....Nothing!

Could we remove the remove the mark to market rule for valuing assets AIG would only have lost 2+ billion instead of 60+ billion that way.

Don't Tax the rich we all pay too much in taxes!

A little video of our Fearless leaders Obama and Biden!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Obama The Demonizer

The Obama Administration and Obama have done a great job at one thing, Demonizing the opposition, this is scary cause it takes a page out of Hitler's playbook when he demonized the Jews.

Who has Obama demonized? let's see....
Greedy people on Wall Street
The Rich
Rush Limbaugh
Rick Santelli - His rant of the year is right below!

Who hasnt Obama demonized?

Al Quaida! go figure?

Now what is the Obama Administration's reason for this? I think he is setting the stage for blame when policies fail and if his policies fail woe be the United States this would be a huge failure for the future of our economy.

Hmm what is Obama getting a passing grade on so far?
His handling of the two ongoing wars has been adequate.

Hey what do I know I'm no Harvard Graduate I'm Just a graduate of a small West Virigina college (Salem College) just trying to make sense of what is going on.

Wasn't a Harvard graduate responsible for creating Real Estate Derivatives?